3 Pagans and a Cat
One Journey, Many Paths
We found 10 episodes of 3 Pagans and a Cat with the tag “witchcraft”.
Episode 021: First Steps -Sacred Spaces
October 8th, 2018 | 1 hr 19 mins
celtic, druid, first steps, green witchcraft, heathen, neopagan, norse, pagan, religion, spirituality, witchcraft
The second episode in the First Steps series, which aims to explain some fundamental pagan and magical concepts.
Episode 020: First Steps: Grounding, Centering and Shielding
September 17th, 2018 | 1 hr 6 mins
celtic, druid, first steps, green witchcraft, heathen, neopagan, norse, pagan, religion, spirituality, witchcraft
The first episode in a new series, First Steps, which aims to explain some fundamental pagan and magical concepts.
Episode 019: Wheel of the Year - Mabon
September 3rd, 2018 | 1 hr 11 mins
autumn equinox, celtic, druid, green witchcraft, heathen, mabon, neopagan, norse, pagan, religion, spirituality, witchcraft
A holiday episode about the September holiday, Mabon.
Episode 018: Our Community - Bill Ehle
August 21st, 2018 | 1 hr 10 mins
activism, bill ehle, celtic, druid, food pantry, green witchcraft, heathen, neopagan, norse, pagan, pagans in need, pin, religion, social justice, spirituality, witchcraft
The first in a series dedicated to interviews with and discussions about the pagans who make our community better.
Episode 017: Building Your Book - Ritual and Spellcraft
August 6th, 2018 | 1 hr 14 mins
celtic, druid, green witchcraft, heathen, neopagan, norse, pagan, religion, spirituality, witchcraft
The sixth and final episode in a series dedicated to the process of creating a Book of Shadows or Grimoire.
Episode 016: Wheel of the Year - Lughnasadh
July 23rd, 2018 | 1 hr 4 mins
celtic, druid, freyfaxi, green witchcraft, heathen, lammas, lughnasadh, neopagan, norse, pagan, religion, spirituality, witchcraft
A holiday episode about the August holiday, Lughnasadh.
Episode 015: Building Your Book - Tools of the Trade & Calendar
July 9th, 2018 | 1 hr 56 secs
celtic, druid, green witchcraft, heathen, neopagan, norse, pagan, religion, spirituality, witchcraft
The fifth episode in a series dedicated to the process of creating a Book of Shadows or Grimoire.
Episode 014: Special Episode: Michigan Pagan Fest 2018
July 1st, 2018 | 1 hr 2 mins
celtic, druid, green witchcraft, heathen, michigan pagan fest, mpf 2018, neopagan, norse, pagan, pagans in need, pin, religion, spirituality, witchcraft
A special event episode discussing our experiences at Michigan Pagan Fest 2018.
Episode 013: Wheel of the Year - Litha
June 11th, 2018 | 1 hr 50 secs
celtic, green witchcraft, holidays, litha, magic, midsummer, norse, pagan, religion, spirituality, summer solstice, witchcraft
A holiday episode about the June holiday, Litha.
Episode 012: Building Your Book - Recipes and Herbalism
May 28th, 2018 | 58 mins 33 secs
celtic, druid, green witchcraft, heathen, neopagan, norse, pagan, religion, spirituality, witchcraft
The fourth episode in a series dedicated to the process of creating a Book of Shadows or Grimoire.